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U.S. Global Glow is an energy management company that specializes in energy reduction technologies, most notably, LED lighting, building controls, and whole building protection. Our passion is to reduce commercial energy consumption and build a sustainable future. By taking a holistic approach to your business’s energy consumption we are able to offer services that will dramatically decrease

energy consumption and costs.


Since LEDs are often 68% to 91% more efficient than traditional lighting systems, LEDs are a great and simple way to improve your bottom line and reduce energy consumption.  In addition by adding intelligent controls and sensors, an additional 30-50% can be reduced in kWh usage in that affected area.


U.S. Global Glow also offers services that include fuel cells and solar array systems.

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Consistent value added products, services, and mutually rewarding relationships based on quality, integrity, and trust.


Help the community to recognize the importance and care of the environment as passionately as we do.


Improve the bottom line through intelligent electrical efficiencies and usage.


Support our local communities.

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